Thanks for a Great Season!

To all Cascade Winds Musicians: Thanks to all of you for pulling together, and pulling off, good spring concerts.

Specifically, of course, a huge THANK YOU to Sue for hanging in there through all the absences and missing parts and rough spots and bringing us up to a level at times we didn’t think we would be able to achieve.

Many thanks to Lorene Judd for “orchestrating” the wonderful intermissions refreshments. And Thank You also to Helen Loeffler, our “official” meeter, greeter and program distributor. And to Dan Judd for being our liaison and facilitator at Summit High. It’s SO great to have someone in the band connected to the performance venue. And many, many thanks to the entire percussion section for all the lugging back and forth and set up and tear-down. They have a bit more to deal with than the rest of us as we leave with our clarinet in its case!

I am assuming I got everyone’s music back last night. If that isn’t the case, PLEASE let me know ASAP.

Our audiences were appreciative, although small. If any of you are interested in helping develop a marketing plan, figuring out methods of promotion, soliciting more donations, getting the Bulletin to actually write a story about us sometime, etc., please be in touch. Or if you know someone with this kind of expertise that isn’t in the band, we would sure like to talk with them.

Some of you have been asking about Summer Band. For various reasons, there will be no COCC sponsored summer band this year. We do hope, of course, to see you all in the fall: first rehearsal is Thursday, September 25.

Regarding director selection, Michael will be checking with the candidates to determine if they are still interested in the position. Then all band members who played under ALL of the candidates will receive one more overall evaluation via e-mail. Michael will then make the selection.

Thanks again. It was a good year in so many ways. If you see Dave Sime, Dan Judd and/or Sue Mudge be sure to say THANK YOU once again.

See many of you in the fall.
